
Accommodation - Adult

Most people with learning disabilities live in their family home, but a range of types of accommodation is also available. The Welsh Assembly Government recognises that individuals with learning disabilities should have the same rights as anyone else to choose where they live and whom they live with. Authorities should provide full information about the whole range of types of accommodation and should be flexible and innovative in catering for people’s accommodation needs. They should recognise that people’s needs and choices may change according to age and circumstances.

Different types of accommodation and legal status

It is important to differentiate between the type of accommodation a person wishes to have and the type of legal status they have in occupying it. There is often a tendency to regard these as closely connected. For example, an independent flat can be owned in a variety of ways, held in trust or rented on a tenancy or licence basis.

There are very many types of legal status in relation to different types of accommodation.
Great thought needs to be given to the most suitable type and a family connection can be
very important in accessing some of the options identified below. Individual legal advice may need to be sought to ensure that the best choice is made. Authorities should provide information about the different types of legal status alongside the types of accommodation that may be available.

As many types of legal status require mental capacity, particularly some types of ownership, tenure and licence, it is important that those involved in providing advice are aware of the Mental Capacity Act guidance. Authorities should seek to make the various options available to people with learning disabilities wanting a home of their own.

For more information:

Legal status explained

Range of housing Types

Housing Sources

The range of types of support

Local Support & Care Providers

Following an Assessment of an individual’s needs, Social Services Departments act primarily as purchasers and sometimes providers of residential support. Voluntary and private agencies, paid by the Council, provide support to the standards laid down by the CSSIW.

Increasingly individuals are choosing to control their own budgets by use of Direct Payments.

Social Services

The Social Services Departments provides support in a number of ways. These include
staffing and managing a number of small accommodation schemes throughout the area,
providing a permanent home or respite care. They also provide domiciliary support to people who do not require intensive staffing to live on their own; and arranging long term family placements for people who could benefit from living in a family situation.

Health Authorities

Health Boards whether as Trusts or Local Health Boards are a major provider of services and care. Funding for some community care initiatives are shared between Social Services and Health budgets. Health Services currently jointly or fully fund some individuals who have highly complex social care and health needs.

Voluntary and Private Sector Agencies

There are some voluntary and private agencies active in the provision of residential support for people with a learning disability, and it is likely that other providers will be encouraged to provide the sort of services which meet the aims, objectives and standards of services provided elsewhere in the two authorities Any of the organisations listed below can be contacted direct, but the usual procedure, if you are interested in pursuing residential support for yourself or your relative is to contact your local Cardiff Learning Disability Team or Vale Community Support Team in the first instance.


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