
Housing Options

Housing Options is an independent advice and information service for people with learning
disabilities. Their aim is to assist people with learning disabilities achieve greater control over aspects of their life and to provide more housing and support choices (including independent supported living and home ownership) - more options for individuals, parents, social services, care agencies.

Housing Options produce a number of Factsheets and Quick Briefs which are published
on their website and available to download in Portable Document Format (PDF). They cover a wide range of topics including ownership, legal and tenancy issues, money and benefits. They also offer free advice to people with learning disabilities, their families and advocates on the helpline.


  • Housing Options
  • Stanelaw House, Sutton Lane, Sutton
  • Witney
  • Oxfordshire
  • OX29 5RY


  • Telephone: Helpline: 0845 456 1497
  • E-Mail: enquiries@housingoptions.org.uk

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