

Gateway clubs are the leisure arm of Mencap.

They aim to advance the personal development of people aged 14+ with learning disabilities
through greater leisure opportunities by promoting personal choice and independence and encouraging their full participation, integration and involvement in the club and the community.

Gateway Clubs are run by volunteers. Those clubs running in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan are listed in this section of the directory, and any enquiries about them should be made direct to the club.


  • The Wales Learning Disability Helpline
  • Mencap Cymru
  • Cardiff
  • CF14 5GZ


  • Telephone: 0808 808 1111 Monday to Friday, 10am-6pm. Weekends and bank holidays, 10am-4am
  • E-Mail: helpline.wales@mencap.org.uk

We gratefully acknowledge the support of these sponsors

lloyds foundation logo